Information to Admitted Students
1. All candidates who have been given admission are expected to register before they are regarded as students of the university.
2. Candidates must print out the JAMB admission letter and upload it to the university website
3. Candidates must pay all the required school fees before they can be called our students.
4. If you are unable to print your JAMB admission letter, it could be due to one of the following reasons:
Candidates who are yet to upload their ‘0’ level results.
Solution: Please go to the JAMB platform and upload your ‘0’ level results.
Candidates who have not changed their first choice of institutions on the JAMB platform to Emmanuel Alayande University of Education (EAUED)
Solution: Please go to the JAMB platform and effect necessary changes immediately.
Candidates who are yet to change (on JAMB CAPS) to the course of study for which our university has recommended such candidates
Solution: Please go to the JAMB platform and effect necessary changes immediately.
Candidates who have not paid acceptance fees after being recommended for admission.
Solution: Please pay the appropriate acceptance fee. Your name will only be sent to JAMB after you have accepted the admission.
Candidates with issues of Wrong Subject Combination.
Solution: Visit the admission office for appropriate advice.

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