NABTEB releases 2024 GCE examination results
The National Business and Technical Examinations Board has said announced the release of the results of theNovember/December National Business Certificate, National Technical Certificate, Advanced National Business Certificate, and Advanced National Technical Certificate Examinations. this was disclosed by NABTEB acting registrar and chief executive officer, Dr. Nnasia Asanga
According to him, 29,880 candidates, representing 67.56 per cent of the total candidates, who sat for its exams, scored five credits and above including Mathematics and English Language. 42,431 candidates, representing 95.94 per cent of the candidates who sat for the examinations, obtained five credits or above with or without English Language and Mathematics.

He said 44,730 candidates registered for the examination which was held in 1,825 centres across the country. About 256 candidates representing 0.53 per cent of the total number of candidates who sat for the examinations were involved in examination malpractice.
Asanga said that NABTEB has started issuing electronic certificates, adding that candidates who took the previous examinations from May/June 2017 to November/December 2022 can obtain their certificates elec
Follow the steps below to check your results;
1. Go to the nearest NABTEB office to get your results checking PINs
2. Visit https://eworld.nabteb.gov.ng
3. Enter your Candidate Identification Number e.g. 15001-001
4. Select the Type of Examination(Nov/Dec)
5. Enter the 4 digits of your Examination Year e.g. 2023
6. Enter the Card Serial Number and PIN found on your photocard. The Card Serial Number has an alphabet prefix followed by digits e.g. N123456789
7. Enter the 12-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Scratch card eg. 012345678912
Click Submit and wait for the results window to come up
To have your result sent to your e-mail address, do the followings:
Follow steps 1-5 above.
Click on the ‘Send Results to E-mail’ box
Enter a valid e-mail address e.g. segun@yahoo.com
Click Submit and wait for the results window to come up…

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